International Events

  • International Events,  Study Abroad

    The Climate Change Crisis

    When we got back from the Canary Islands, Glasgow was in the middle of setting up for Cop26, the global climate change conference. There would be leaders from around the world coming to try to address climate change, leaders such as US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, climate change activist Greta Thunberg, actress Emma Watson, and France President Emmanuel Macron. We actually think that we had one of these leaders fly in right after we landed back in Glasgow due to the high amount of security. On Monday, November first, the political leaders were scheduled for a dinner hosted by Boris Johnson at the Kelvingrove Art Museum…

  • Global Engagement Fellowship,  International Events

    Beirut Explosion

    On August 4th, 2020, tragedy occurred. Due to fires in the area, a warehouse in Beirut, Lebanon exploded. Over 200 people died while 5,000 more were injured. Buildings were demolished, and due to the warehouse being on the port, the area quickly flooded. People were left homeless and hospitals were full. This was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions to ever happen. The explosion was due to ammonium nitrate that was more than likely not stored correctly. Highly flammable, when fires were in the area, a series of small explosions that led to the bigger explosion occurred. Along with a Lebanese French architect, diplomats, and children, multiple first responders died…

  • Global Engagement Fellowship,  International Events

    BSA Events

    Throughout the fall, the Black Student Association made sure to stay connected in spite of Covid-19 restrictions. Each week, different organizations within the BSA had numerous events, including Bible studies and volunteer opportunities. My favorite event to keep up with this fall was the TikTok competition hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. In this competition, contestants had to recreate a dance on AKA’s Instagram, @ou_aka, to celebrate and honor the Black Arts Movement. The competition was announced on October 25th, and by October 29th, eight participants had their videos already up. On November 2nd, AKA announced the winner who ended up with a $50 giftcard while 2nd and 3rd…

  • International Events,  Uncategorized

    Movie Nights!

    While Covid-19 caused limitations and road blocks for having events on campus, international clubs and student organizations persevered to create ways for students from different backgrounds to connect on campus. To me, it felt like there might have even been more events this past year than any other year before because of how Zoom allowed students to build relationships virtually. Movie nights, over Zoom and in person, were one of the most common events that I saw put on by different international organizations. On October 22, Baccano, an Italian club on campus, organized a Netflix watch party through the app Teleparty for the movie “The Ruthless.” Released in 2019 completely…

  • International Events

    UWC Scholars

    Throughout the semester, I have had the chance to meet multiple UWC students through different things in which I’m involved. UWC stands for United World College, and these students in the UWC are students who went to an international school for two years to receive credit, and after that, they come to UWC-partnered schools, like the University of Oklahoma, for college in the United States. On September 25th, the President’s Leadership Class of which I’m a part had one of our meetings with UWC scholars. At this meeting, we were split into small groups, and we were paired with UWC students. This is where I met Simon Lowry, who is…

  • Global Engagement Fellowship,  International Events

    International Fall Festival

    On October 5th, I went to the International Fall Festival at the southern end of campus. While I thought this event was going to be bigger than it was, it was still such a fun event, and I’m so glad I went. I went with another student in the Global Engagement Fellowship and her roommate. At this event, there were multiple things you can do, including face painting and coloring a map of the world, and there was also a petting zoo. The petting zoo was where most of the people were, and it’s also where we spent most of our time. While this event may have been more geared…
